Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Demonstration

I ran across something the other day that really did not sit right with me. I thought I’d share it here. A woman shared about her weekend. She told those reading that she had taken part in an anti abortion demonstration and had brought her kids. She shared how people said very mean and ugly things that her children had to endure.

I am the first to admit that the topic of abortion is very controversial. My issue was bringing children to this demonstration.

In the past, doctors have been killed over this issue. In the past, buildings have been destroyed and burned down over this issue. This is a very controversial issue.

I really can not understand bringing children into this intentionally. Why would a mother want to intentionally put her children into a situation where they will be verbally abused at a minimum?

I believe every person has the right to their opinion and I believe every person has a right to demonstrate if they so choose. Finally I believe in teaching children to speak up and be heard, however I just can not agree with intentionally bringing children into a hostile situation that in some instances has led to murder.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Audrey :)


Anonymous said...

I don't agree with taking children to an event like this either. Like you said, a rally like this has the potential to become violent, and at the very least, very vocal. Also, there are often signs and displays of aborted babies displayed, and no child should have to be witness to that. I can understand sharing your views on moral issues with your children, but this is a step too far, at least until the child is older, perhaps in his or her teens at least.

Sherri said...

I wouldn't take my children to one!!


Everyone has their opinion but I would never ever subject my children to something like that. I really cannot agree with taking her children.

Tammy said...

Hey Audrey...if I had children still at home, I don't think I could bring myself to bring them to an event like that. JMO. ;)