Monday, December 22, 2008

Your Child and Sleep

Have you ever wondered why some children sleep through the night and other children get up multiple times?

I’m mom to two girls and one of them was a great sleeper as an infant and the other was very tough to put to bed at night.

One of my daughters loved her naps while the other daughter seldom napped and when she did, she then wouldn’t sleep at night.

Think to your adult years. Some adults are fine with five hours sleep. I know other adults who sleep nine hours per night. Personally I’m great at about 7 ½ hours, which for some is a bit too much.

Each of us is different. Children are different too. Some children are more active and burn off more energy. Some children love to play quietly which does not use as much energy as children who runs around outdoors all day long.

I always allowed my children to dictate their sleep patterns within reason. My eight year old was not tired at night. I was exhausted. She would go to her room at about 9 p.m. and was allowed to read for an hour or two until she became tired. She and I both woke up at the same time each morning.

My daughter that did not nap was allowed to not nap but I did ask her for some quiet time in the afternoons, just some down time for both of us.

Do you have a favorite pillow or favorite blanket as an adult? Often children have favorite blankets or even stuffed animals. These items bring them a sense of comfort. Comfort while sleeping is very important to a good night’s sleep. Allow your child that favorite animal or favorite blanket.

Turn sleep time into a more pleasant experience for both you and your child by recognizing that each child is different and will sleep differently. Allow your child to enjoy their sleep and sleep as needed.

Audrey :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with sleep patterns especially after raising 4 children and running an in-home daycare. I'm prayerful that my upcoming little one will be a snuggler with mommy!
