Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Circumcision - Right or Wrong?

I've entered into many debates online about making the decision to circumcise newborn males.

I believe it’s a parents right to make this decision. There are many reasons why parents may or may not choose to have this procedure performed on their children.

As parents we make many decisions about our children. Will we pierce a little girl’s ears? Will we vaccinate our children? Will we spank our children? When our children go against our wishes, how will we respond? Will we allow our children to date at age 12 or 13?

While I am very aware that circumcision is a medical procedure and dating is not, I believe we must make many choices as parents.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe a parent should have the right to make the decision to circumcise or not circumcise their infant son?

Audrey :)

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