Saturday, April 11, 2009


I was very fortunate. I really never had curfews growing up. I don't recall taking advantage and so no curfew worked well for me.

My own kids were not as lucky as I was. They both had curfews. Their curfews got more lenient as they got older.

My 19 year old recently came home for a visit (she is living overseas) and she was pleasantly surprised to learn she no longer has a curfew. On the flip side I was also pleasantly surprised that she really did not take advantage and has come home at very reasonable times when she's gone out with her friends.

What about your kids? Do they have curfews? What times do you set for them to come home? Are their curfews different during the week and on the weekends? Share your parenting curfew strategies here.

Audrey :)


Erin said...

My kids are not old enough to go out alone yet. I had a curfew when i was younger.

Anonymous said...

I never had a curfew because my parents trusted me to be home by midnight. My brother who was always getting into trouble was told to be home at a certain time. I expect I will parent the same way. It all depends on the kid.

Suzanne said...

Hi Audrey,
I love your blog. This is what I hope to make mine like...thought provoking posts on various topics. Anyway, I didn't have an official curfew because I never abused the trust my parents had in me to be responsible. I was to always let them know where I was and approx. the time I would be home...and I did. I would like to think I will be this way with my girls (14 and 12) but instead they will most likely have curfews. My oldest wouldn't push things but my youngest would. Sorry for such a long comment:-)

Unknown said...

We had a curfew when I was growing up, until my parents split when I was 16. I lived with my mom and I didnt have a curfew any more. I never took advantage, whether under curfew or not. I think it really has to do with how you are raised. My grown kids didnt have curfew really. Once they were teens, on school nights they were all home by ten. The two left at home now are too young yet for curfew. The oldest one is very headstrong, and I suspect his Dad will lay down a curfew, once he is old enough to get out and about without an adult. Since he is 11 now, it wont be much longer!

Tammy said...

Hi Audrey,

I just nominated you for an attitude of gratitude award. I hope you'll accept.
