Monday, April 6, 2009

Where Do Your Kids Sleep?

There are so many thoughts on kids sleeping with parents versus kids sleeping in their own rooms. One of my daughters slept in my bed for the first several years of her life. My other daughter preferred her own crib and never slept with me.

You'll find experts on both sides of this issue.

Where do your kids sleep?

Audrey :)


CynthiaK said...

I don't think I have an opinion either way. I think parents can determine what the best situation is for their own child(ren). When I was nursing, each of my three kids slept with me. Once I stopped, they stayed in their own crib. It all seemed to work out alright! (thankfully!)

Anonymous said...

There have been periods in my/kids' lives where we have slept together. We had a crib for them that we used half the time--with breastfeeding sometimes it was easier to have the baby with us. When my oldest two were toddlers they slept with us--I think it made our family bond better. Now, when my husband is out-of-town during the week, my five-year-old is my "bed buddy." We snuggle together and take turns reading a bedtime story to each other. Last weekend she slept with both me and my husband because she wanted to do the story thing and be close to both of us. Eventually they grow out of wanting their parents at night. Some of my best times and memories with my kids have been when they've co-slept with us. And, sometimes, it was great when they went back to their own beds! I really do believe it depends on the family dynamics, what makes you comfortable, what the kids need, etc. No one right answer for all people at all times. said...

I don't have an opinion either way...whatever works for each family. For us, the kids have always slept in their own beds and cribs. The only exception is when my husband is on business daughter enjoys being able to have sleepovers in my room!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

My kids sleep alone now, there are nights though when my son shows up and climbs in with me.

Deb said...

Our kids slept with us forever. Then came the day when they didn't come to cuddle with us any more. Cherish the moments, even though sometimes you're cursing those late nights and wishing for a full night's sleep.

shunee said...
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shunee said...

Both.I guess it depends on their mood LOL. One day Frank is cool by himself, next day he wants to be with us.

Anonymous said...

Our son only sleeps with us on occassion. He likes his crib.
thanks for stopping by my blog.

DawnS said...

My oldest daughter slept with us for the first 6 months. Both girls occasionally wonder in and join us, but mostly they sleep in their own beds.

Unknown said...

Hey Audrey,

How's it going? :) son rarely slept with us. I personally think that it's not a wise choice to start letting your kids sleep with you...especially as they get older.

A long time ago, I was babysitting our neighbor's son and at the time, he was of course sleeping with Mom and Dad. ;)

Well...that was a hard habit for them to break. They spent several sleepless nights just to get their son to sleep in his own bed.

I know we all have our own opinions of this though.

Tammy ;)

Maureen Fitzgerald said...

I never really had strong opinions on this topic before, but two infants in Milwaukee have died in the last month from sleeping with adults who rolled over onto them.

In both cases, the adult stated that they slept with the baby on a regular basis.

Kristen Andrews said...

I think parents need to do what is right for baby and mom or dad. Funny thing is my gyno told me last week that she was at a conference and they discovered that 80% of parents lie about where their kids sleep and she said the real question is "where do they end up sleeping"

Serendipityissweet said...

All three of my kids slept in our bed as babies/toddlers until almost 2 and were breastfed. My youngest still does at 20 months. My middle child, now 3 usually climbs in our bed by morning. It is not the most comfortable way for us as parents to sleep...we need a Cal King! but I love having the kids close when they are you. But, they have their own beds for when they want space or privacy.

Heatherlyn said...

Our kids sleep in their own rooms. But they love to sleep in our room and if they could they would every night. We tell them that if the house is cleaned up and their rooms are cleaned that they can have Friday Night Sleepover where they make their beds in our room. We often have a friday movie night in our room, too.

When our kids were much smaller, the very little child (age 2 or less) would often sneak into our room to sleep. We never made a big deal about it. They don't stay little very long.