Thursday, March 4, 2010


Last night I was walking past the living room and saw a long line of black. When I looked closer, the ants had come in out of the rain:

What is your tip for getting rid of ants? We get them often, weather dependent.

Audrey :)


Liz Mays said...

I am bad. I spray, spray, and spray some more!

Heatherlyn said...

I've heard that diatomacious earth works. It has no scent and isn't poisonous to people. And I bet it really works.

Claudya Martinez said...

We are having huge issues with ants. My husband says they are ants from Argentina. It really bothers me that foreign ants are coming here and taking jobs away from local ants. I'm kidding.

I have not been successful at making them go away for extended periods. They always come back.

~ Noelle said...

Totally random.. But, my Nana used to get them around her microwave... She would put "Bay Leaves" out... and then they would disappear, not sure what that was about... but she did it and it would actually work! Good luck!

Claudya Martinez said...

I linked to you today.

Liz Mays said...

Did you get rid of them yet??

Traci said...

We get them a lot as well. We used to spray so much but I hated the smell and I was worried for the kids. One thing we did that helped (but is not totally chemical-free), was we sprayed the trail with Windex. It seemed to lessen the return and eventually stopped them coming all together.

So sorry!

soulbrush said...

I used to use thick salt, that really rock hard kind and put it liberally along all skirting boards along the walls, and leave it there for a few days and voila, they disappeared forever. Easy and non toxic for animals or kids.

Lynn Menendez said...
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