Friday, May 15, 2009

Aloha Friday

I so enjoy reading all of the Aloha Friday questions. My question for today is:

Do you allow your kids to watch t.v/movies?

I always allowed my kids to watch t.v. with some moderation.

Audrey :)


Rob said...

Maybe 1hr a day and they watch a movie on Friday nights with Pizza

Serendipityissweet said...

yes, in moderation,

I am Harriet said...

Yep. They're grown.

Jen said...

My kids watch about a half hour before school and about a half hour or so in the evening. They are allowed to watch as much as they want (as long as it is family friendly) on the weekend, but they don't really abuse the privilege too much. Now video games are a whole other story. I have to constantly reign them in with them.

Jennifer said...

Yes, however, we rarely watch TV. My children are much older now and soon off to college where they will be making their own TV choices.

sues2u2 said...

Yep, although they have lots of limits.

Unknown said...

Yes -- but I monitor what they watch.

Shari@aPsychMommy said...

My son is only 8 months, but when he's older, I will let him in moderation

Amy said...

Honestly, I'm embarassed at how much TV my kids watch. The TV is usually on most of the day, always tuned in to kid friendly shows... but still. We do go for walks and get out of the house every day at some point, so they aren't CONSTANTLY in front of the TV. And they're often playing with other toys and such while the TV is on so it's not like they're glued to it... but still. I feel guilty about it, my husband doesn't. I'm sure there will be more rules about it as they grow older.

Kandi said...

No kids here!

Becca said...

I don't have kids yet but when I do, they will be allowed to watch tv as long as their "duties" are completed.

LZ said...

I do. My kids are 4 and 1.5 and they watch a little each day. I try to stick with PBS. I like the shows on other stations, but my oldest is too into the commercials. I hit my last straw when she told me that I should buy a Swivel Sweeper and that the power of Oxyclean would be good for my laundry.

PMKU said...

Sure but we know what they are watching.

Jennifer said...

I do... and I feel horrible about it because he's only 11 months old! *sigh*

Erin @ Closing Time said...

Yes, but we are VERY careful about what we allow them to see.

Heatherlyn said...

I think Aloha Friday is fun, too.

We rarely ever let our kids watch t.v. We rarely ever watch t.v. Seriously, we sometimes watch the biggest loser. And that's it.

We do have movies and the kids can watch a movie on the weekend. Sometimes during the week. Our kids right now really like any movie that has a dog in it. Seriously. Any movie with a golden retriever or some sort of dog that has a voice-over. The kids love it.

Nina said...

Yes we do watch both. Right now we have a family movie night every Friday night and my son picks the movie. The drive in movies just opened up so we might start doing that if they have movies for the kids.

Mimi said...

Yup definitely but maybe limited.

Dee-Zigns Handcrafted Jewelry said...

Yes, but I monitor and with movies, I'm usually with them ;).

Rita T. said...

Yes, but we moderate it.