Saturday, May 2, 2009

Kids and School

When my kids were in elementary school, there were times we took a trip and I pulled the kids out of school for a day or two for our trip. At the time, there were some moms who disagreed with my decision. It was their philosophy that when you pull children out of school, you teach them that attending school is negotiable.

As an adult, there are times I just need a day off. I just need a day to sleep in and not have the many responsibilities that face us each day.

In high school, I allowed my kids an OCCASIONAL mental health day.

What about you. Do you take your kids out of school for trips? Do you allow them to miss a day of school once in a while just because? Share your thoughts here.

Audrey :)


Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I most certainly do. I try not to make it a habit, but sometimes the only time my husband can get time off of work is when my daughter is in school. So sometimes I will take her out of school on a Friday, or Monday and we'll do a short little 3 day trip. He never gets Easter week off, as his boss always takes that, so our time is limited for vacations. Everyone needs a break now and then!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I don't see why that is a bad thing. We try to get out on the weekends, but sometimes two days isn't enough time. My son isn't in school yet, but when he is I won't think twice about him taking a day or two off so that we can have a nice family vacation. :)

Jenni said...

I haven't taken them out for a trip or just because. I am a teacher though so I can't, really.

Pricousins said...

I never have, but as you saw on my blog, we're having issues with the school & I'm about to pull them out. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I will be handling the situation, but on a deeper level that the School Board. :-)

Maureen Fitzgerald said...

I admit that when I was a teacher (and more judgemental since I hadn't actually HAD any kids yet), I used to swear up and down that I would never pull mine out of school for a vacation. It just sends the wrong message, I thought.

Now that I'm on the other side of the desk, my tune has changed!

Not only is travelling sooooo much easier and less expensive on non-vacation times, most places are less crowded too. I feel like our occasional vacations are all about building family bonds and creating memories. Kids beneift from those things long after they have forgotten what the capital of Alabama is.