Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kids and Driving

I know many of my readers have young children. I know many others have teens. One of my daughters does not drive. Prior to moving overseas, she just wasn't interested. She is very excited to get a license when she returns.

So my question today is, if your kids are old enough do they drive? If they're not old enough do you see yourself supporting them getting a drivers license at the time your state says it's legally ok?

Audrey :)


Brandi said...

Marlee isn't old enough to drive yet, but when she is I am sure I will let her.

Thanks for swinging by my blog!

Kelly said...

My kids will be getting their licence as soon as they can. It's a long way ahead but I want them to be able to be independent and I'm sure I'll tire of driving them around

Mom's Fortress of Solitude said...

My oldest son is 16, and has already been through driver's ed at the high school he attends.

Illinois requires so many hours of driving with a parent or guardian before the license can be issued.

He is a good driver, however he's not to the point where I am comfortable letting be licensed just yet.

There have been times he has been driving where I have had to point things out to him that he should have noticed on his own.

I'm not asking for perfection, here. I just know that I want him to be fully aware of things happening around him, since most accidents are caused by someone who's not paying attention to those idiots who should have never been licensed in the first place.

KWIM? It's a scary world out there, and driving is a HUGE responsibility.

Thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm following you, now. :o)
