Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stores with Sales

My daughter and I went to Old Navy this morning. I really wasn't prepared for what awaited us. People were literally shaking the gate to get in when we arrived. After arriving my daughter and I split up. I knew we'd never be able to stay together. I went and picked up a few things, then went in search of my daughter. What I saw left me with my mouth hanging open. People were screaming and yelling. People had climbed the walls and were throwing flip flops of all sizes and colors into the crowds.

I was on the outskirts of this crowd, knowing my daughter was in there somewhere. For those who don't know, my daughter is 25 years old, an adult woman.

I continued to be amazed as I discovered that moms had sent their young children into this crowd. People were screaming "don't hurt the child."

My own daughter came out and was laughing at how it was no different than a mosh pit. My daughter loves music and concerts and has been in many mosh pits.

If you wanted to attend a sale like this, would you bring your children? If you do bring your children, how do you protect them from the crowds?



Kelly said...

Wow, what kind of mom risks the safety of their child to get a $1 pair of flip flops? So no I would not send my child into a crowd like that.

Jenni said...

Holy Moly! I am glad I skipped the Old Navy sale!