Monday, February 22, 2010

Kids Working

What do you think about 16 year olds working? Here in California, there are many laws about how many hours a 16 year old can work and how late they can work, but they still can absolutely get a work permit.

Both of my girls worked a few hours per week at age 16. The kids who worked like 20 hours per week, I'm just not sure how they did it. With homework and sports there just isn't a lot of time left.

What do you think about 16 year olds working?

Audrey :)


Heatherlyn said...

I think summer jobs are great. If a kid has it in them to work and go to school and have a life then they really are better off for the experience. It totally depends on the child. Some kids can only handle balancing school and extra-curricular activities during the school year. But kids who never work (whose parents pay their way through college too) ... maybe they do just fine, but it definitely will take those kids a lot longer to become adults.

Traci said...

I started working officially at 17 but i had been babysitting for several years before. I think that within reason and in proper balance with other priorities a job can be great for a teen. I learned a lot and it certainly taught me a great sense of responsibility.

Kris said...

I have no problem with it, as long as they can keep up their grades in school. By that, I mean As and Bs. Thank you for stopping by my place!

FamilyIgloo said...

The earlier you work, the earlier you will appreciate you parents and learn how to manage your finances.

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