Monday, June 15, 2009

The "We" Generation

I read a really fascinating story today. The author spoke of the "me generation" and shared an example of the we generation. Basically two boys saw another boy being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. These two boys went and bought 50 pink shirts so they and all their friends could wear pink shirts the next day.

Bullying is a huge problem in some schools. Both of my own girls faced bullying at one time or another during their school days. In some of the situations we brainstormed on how they could handle the problem on their own. In other situations such as a boy trying to light my daughter's hair on fire, I got involved and got the school administration involved.

What do you think about bullying? How did you handle bullying in school and if your kids are old enough how do you encourage them to handle bullying?

Audrey :)


Jennifer said...

WTH?! Trying to light your daughter's hair on fire?! Ugh. I completely abhor bullies and bullying. I grew up living next door to a bully. Luckily, she was afraid of my mom, so the bullying would stop anytime she saw her. I don't think it's that way these days...

Mozi Esme said...

I love that example! Much better than "me"

It Feels Like Chaos said...

Great post! My oldest just finished kindergarten so we have not dealt with much bullying yet. But I know it will come. I love your method of helping them brainstorm ideas on how to deal with it, but stepping in yourself if it gets dangerous.

Heatherlyn said...

I think that there should be zero tolerance for bullying. Teachers and administrators should take it very seriously. So should parents.

My kids haven't had any trouble with it. I'm very grateful.