Tuesday, January 19, 2010


How much help do you give your kids with their homework? When my kids were super young, they really didn't ask for help. When they were older, some of what they were learning was beyond what I could help them with. So, I never really helped them too much.

As I read other blogs and posts in other communities, I read of a lot of women helping their children quite a bit with homework, even doing some of the projects and research.

What about you? How much do you help your kids with their homework? How much did your parents help you?

Audrey :)


Heatherlyn said...

My Mom helped me learn to gather research and also gathering supplies for big projects.

I will not really do research for my kids. Or anything. I help them understand directions, especially the little kids, and might on occassion explain concepts. But I will NOT NOT NOT do my kids' homework for them. NOT NOT NOT. Did I mention, NOT? :)

Traci said...

I am not really here yet but I have thought about it. I think that I will be a resource and a motivator/timekeeper but I don't think that a child benefits from having their homework done for them. As a parent, I am trying to fight instincts to make everything easy and "better" for my children. While it is hard to watch my children struggle, it is that struggle that will make them strong independent adults.

Nancy C said...

Like Traci, I hope that I let them do their own work. Time will tell how I react to this all.

Corrie Howe said...

The other day Faith was driving me nuts, "Mom, is this right?" "Mom, is this right?" "Mom I need you to read this to me?"

She's my third. I've sat through a dozen years of Open Houses. I've been broken by my first one and retrained by my second one.

"Faith, does your teacher sit by you and answer confirm you answered each question correctly before you go on to the next one?"

She said, "No."

And I said, "Then I'm not going to either."

She said, "But you're my mommy."

Nice try. It may have worked for your brothers, but I'm a lot smarter now.