Friday, January 1, 2010


This is the 2nd time my daughter has been overseas in two years. I woke up to a really sweet email from her this morning. She left a party last night and it was snowing. As you know, we live on the central coast in California. It does not snow here. So for her, this was magical to begin 2010 with snow.

It really warms my heart that both of my daughters choose to call and email their mom and fill her in on what's happening.

What a wonderful way to start my new year.

Audrey :)


Corrie Howe said...

Josh, my oldest went overseas twice in the last couple of years. We only heard from him when there was a problem. I think this is a good indication of what life will be like when he's in college and beyond. In the meantime, one of his friends went to college and I heard from him on Facebook or texts to my phone at least once a week. For awhile my Spanish exchange student was emailing once a week, but he's gotten lax lately. I'm assuming he's in Madrid with grandparents without Internet since I haven't heard from in in a few weeks.

Heatherlyn said...

That's great. I hope that my kids talk to me when they grow up. I think that some of it has to do with the relationship that exists when the children are growing up, but also some children are just more prone to want to communicate and have that type of friendship with their parents. I think it is a great blessing.

Brittany said...

Awww that is sweet of them!