Thursday, November 5, 2009

Crying Children

We all read about the airline that recently asked a mother to leave the plane when her young child started to scream.

What do you think? Do you think the airline was in the right or the wrong? Do you believe parents with crying children have a right to be on the plane? Do you believe other passengers have a right to a quiet plane?

I have a strong opinion here. I can't remember the last time I had a "peaceful" plane ride. Either a child was crying or a person next to me was oversized, or the person behind me kicked my seat the entire time. None of them were asked to leave the plane. I don't believe this mother should have been asked to leave the plane.

What do you think?

Audrey :)


Heatherlyn said...

I wasn't there. If she wasn't containing the child then I think it is reasonable to ask them to leave. That is, if the child is bouncing on the chairs and running up and down the isles and the parent won't do anything about it. If the child is just crying ... well ... sometimes that happens and I agree that it seems extreme to ask them to leave.

Diane said...

I'm sure the mother was doing the best she could. Who knows what was going on in her life and then being thrown more into the spotlight and asking her to leave probably just magnified it. Howelse was she goingto get where she was going? :O)

AudreyO said...

The airline did apologize, but I can't imagine the inconvenience of being asked to get off and still having a child who is not happy :( My heart really broke for the woman.

~ Noelle said...

that is sad...
no, the airline should not have asked her to leave... we have no idea where she was going and that might have been the only way to get there...
that makes me sad...

Rosemary said...

It's kind of out of the mom's control sometimes. I like my peace and quiet as much as the next person, but you have to try to go with the flow.
I'm sure the mom was trying her best.
Thanks for visiting my blog! I see you are in Santa Barbara. I'm in Thousand Oaks. My daughter went to UCSB.
Have a nice weekend,

Unknown said...

kinda hard to ask the mother to leave the aircraft in mid air. maybe she could have just dropped her kid off! ha!

Clementine said...

Hi Audrey, thanks for visiting my blog! My goodness, I would have been outraged. They don't ask oversized snoring people to get off the plane, what's the difference? It's hard on little ones to fly. Instead of insulting the family, they should look into ways to make it easier on parents to fly with their children. That would break my heart too!

Lisa said...

I agree that seems a little much to ask her to leave the plane. Sometimes there is nothing a mom can do...

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