Wednesday, November 18, 2009

An Email

I received an email earlier tonight. I thought I'd get some opinions here on my blog. You see I've written several parenting articles. I completely understand that not all parenting styles work for all people. What I share in my articles is what's worked for me.

Well, someone (she didn't sign her name) read one of my articles and did not agree with me. The email I got from her began with:

"I don't know what planet you're from -- but you are crazy if you think I am going to allow"

It just so happens the article she read was about 18 year olds and what had worked for me and my daughter.

I thought about how this woman spoke to me. My own daughter would never speak to a stranger that way. My own daughter knows that often two people won't agree and will even have to say to each other "let's agree to disagree." My own daughter has unsubscribed to blogs where she didn't agree with the blogger. She would NEVER speak to someone as I was spoken to.

So readers, if you disagree with something you've read online and you felt the need to write the author of the words, how would you speak to them, to let them know you didn't agree?

Audrey :)


McCrakensx4 said...

Some people are so rude sometimes. If I don't agree with something on someone's blog...I just don't comment. It is there blog and their space to vent or speak their mind...not mine.

He & Me + 3 said...

That comment from Mccrakensx4 was actually from me signed in as my friend but feel free to visit her blog that I just helped her fix is snazzy. She was on the phone with me while I was typing that comment and she is in agreement with me...what you write on your blog is your opinion & people should respect that. We can all differ, but we must also be respectful.

Corrie Howe said...

It depends upon the post. If the author asked for input, I would respectfully provide me, if I didn't agree (I have just emailed them "off-line," but again respectfully.) If they didn't ask for input, but I feel we have a relationship established, I would venture an unsolicited opinion...again probably via email...and let them know my thoughts. Or I might not say anything. But always try to give them the freedom to accept or reject my thoughts without fear of being offended. Also by added that I don't intend to make them feel bad about their position.

Heatherlyn said...

I would definitely sign my name. If I find a blog offensive or a post offensive I just skip it and go somewhere else. If I felt so compelled as to express my opinion I would explain my point of view. And I would be respectful, because that is the way that educated, intelligent, articulate people communicate even when they disagree.

G said...

people feel like they can hide behind the internet. I say stalk her down and prank call her.

Unknown said...

Wow, that is totally uncalled for. I would never talk to anyone that way. I recently received parenting "advice" from my daycare provider via text that made me angry but I chose to not address the issue and she later apologized if her response came across as offending (which it did).

Things are different for each child. If I disagreed with someone's parenting I would not be so rude as to assume that my way was better for them and their child.

RUDE!!!! Some people!

Anonymous said...

That is really sad that someone would do that. People can be so rude. Luckily I haven't had anything happen like that to me.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Normally, I just don't comment if I read something I don't agree with. Or, I find a funny way to politely disgree. I HATE rude comments, and I'm sorry you received a rude email.

I am VERY late returning visits, but I wanted to say thank you for stopping by the other day. :)

Carma Sez said...

I'd just stop following. People tend to hide behind their computers and are a lot more brave then they would be face to face. Obviously she should have realized that not everything works the same way for everyone...