Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Talk it Through

I spend a lot of time talking to both of my kids. I'm a really strong supporter of choices. Life happens and we have to make choices. Often there no good choices so we have to make the choice that will hurt the least. Other times, every choice looks like a great choice and we know we can't go wrong with our choice.

When we are emotionally involved in something, it's sometimes hard to see all of the choices we have. That's why I suggest talking it with others and listening to the input of those closest to us. They may provide a possible choice we had not yet considered.

I've always encouraged both of my kids to talk it through and see the choices available before deciding which choice will be the best.

Do you talk through choices with your kids?

Audrey :)


AngeliStarr said...

Thats a good thing to do. I always appreciated when my parents would let me know what the realistic consequences were to whatever decisions I made and always taught me to look at all angles of a situation. Thanks for the comment on the blog btw!

Corrie Howe said...

I do give them choice...although sometimes they aren't really "choices." (Depending upon their age or what they want to do.) About a year ago my teenage son wanted to have a snowball fight on property near us which had been undeveloped for as long as we lived here. However, now it is being developed with houses under various degrees of construction and port-a-potties. I told him to stay off the property and stay on our own. I told him that if something is missing, vandalized or damaged over there and he and his friends were seen there, they would be blamed. He said he'd take his chances. I said, "Okay, as long as you understand that if the police pick you up, I won't be coming to get you since I warned you of the possible consequences." He and his friends decided to stay on our property.

Heatherlyn said...

Children are surprisingly receptive to reason. Our kids make good choices (so far) because we talk with them a lot and they seem to understand different aspects of their choices.

Holly Lefevre said...

Great topic. I like to give the kids choices. My son has a hard time making decisions. So we talk about the choices, the pros and cons, etc. He sometimes feels like he is going to make a wrong choice, so in situations like that, I must reinforce (when applicable, when their is not a right or wrong answer) that there is not a right or wrong is your opinion/choice/idea. Thanks for swinging by hip weddings. I have a home blog to0, 504 main.
